Onora Irish Setters


Irish Setter Puppy Pictures

We have posted some photos of our puppies here for your enjoyment.
To see more, click on Litters, then select a litter to view.

My wife and I only breed Irish Setters that have been health tested for diseases that are common in Irish Setters. These diseases are two types of premature blindness, thyroid disease, and abnormal platelets and abnormal blood cells. Additionally, we test for bad or dysplastic hips, and bad or shallow elbow joints. All of these maladies are inheritable. These tests are expensive but are the only way to "breed out" the diseases that almost destroyed this wonderful breed of dog. If you are considering buying/adopting an Irish Setter that comes from parents with no health tests, you should pay no more than $200-$400 for the puppy. Additionally, any pups from non-health tested parents should not be bred as they may continue to spread the genetic defects that the AKC and members of the Irish Setter Club of America are trying to eliminate. If you click on Our Boys or Our Girls, then click on the specific dog, you will see the tests results. Additionally, we have paid to have these results posted to the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals, www.offa.org so that the whole world can see them. If a breeder says they have performed the tests but the tests are not posted, you should demand to see the paper copy results of the tests that every breeder receives after having the tests completed. During the 1970s and into the 80s, it was not unusual for an entire litter to go blind before the age of 2. Today with DNA testing, reputable breeders are eliminating these horrible problems by breeding only genetically clear Irish Setters.

Picture taken 6-14-14
Yellow Orange Boy. I couldn't resist a little humor with a beer bottle here.
Pink Boy sound asleep on his brothers head!

At this point we thought we were done. Little did we know 8 more were coming. Pictured are Red Girl, Red Boy, Blue Boy, Green Boy, Purple Boy, Peach Boy, and Bat Boy (a little Irish humor).
Close to midnight. We started at 9:05am. We had 6 girls and 9 boys. We were all exhausted. The next day we lost 3 girls, the 13th, 14th and 15th born.


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